Our Story

This is an official Singapore Fan Club for Doraemon. The fan club was founded by a fan of Doraemon. As he realised that there was a lack of publicity of Doraemon in Singapore, he decided to open up a Doraemon Fan Club to improve the publicity of Doraemon in Singapore. We are the main source of information to all the fans of Doraemon in Singapore in providing first hand information of any Doraemon related happenings in Singapore.


Partnership with Animation International (M) Sdn Bhd

Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore was partnered with Animation International (M) Sdn Bhd since it was founded as Animation International is the main licensee of Doraemon, the club was able to obtain approval from Doraemon’s copyright owner, FujikoPro more easily. This allowed us to organise and hold bigger scale events such as the 100 Doraemon Secret Gadgets Expo in Singapore. The partnership has however ended in 2017.

On 12th October 2017, the management of Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore decided to cease and scale down the club’s operations due to heavy lack of manpower. In the same year, Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore also started a series of trial for the club’s online sales platform to raise funds for the club’s daily operations and expenses. The club is still aiming to resume operations and rise again in the future.

On 1st August 2019, Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore went through the first ever rebrand since it was founded on 11th June 2015. The rebrand, which introduced a new club logo, made the club more appealing to newer fans and the general public. The new logo retained the essence of the founding logo, symbolising that the club will always remember what started the club and will carry on to bring more to all the fans of Doraemon in Singapore. The rebrand was also the first move of the club’s transition to move forward, in preparation of what the club has planned in the club’s development roadmap.

In 2020, the club was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic which heavily affected the club’s operations with many services being ceased temporarily. The club’s 5th Anniversary celebration was also heavily scaled down as a result of the pandemic which brought in many restrictions. However, with the effects of the Doraemon 50, promotions and events by some companies such as UNIQLO has helped the club to maintain visibility in the public by sponsoring the club’s Giveaways. Furthermore, the first ever Doraemon themed exhibition by National Museum of Singapore (NMS), which was held from 31st October 2020 thru 27th December 2020 brought the club even more opportunities to expose to the public. The exhibition was one of the largest exhibition held during the pandemic at that time and the club was invited by NMS to visit the exhibition for a private preview before its official launch.

Renewed Partnership with Animation International (M) Sdn Bhd

New Partnership with chinesedora.com

The Doraemon themed exhibition by NMS also brought the club the opportunity to re-collaborate with Animation International (M) Sdn Bhd after around three years. However, this new collaboration is carried out differently from the previous collaboration with Animation International. Apart from the re-collaboration with Animation International (M) Sdn Bhd, the club also partnered with Taiwan-based Doraemon news site, 哆啦A夢中文網 chinesedora.com. The partnership will allow us to share information with one another, and allow Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore to reach wider audience.

Immediately following the rollercoaster year was a silent year. In 2021, apart from the launch of the two delayed Doraemon 50 movies which were released in Singapore in February 2021 and the subsequent launch of some Doraemon movies, including Stand By Me Doraemon 2, on the subscription-based streaming service, Netflix, there were not much events that happened in the same year, largely due the the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The annual Doraemon Movie for that year was also postponed to release in the next year due to the pandemic. The movie was the third Doraemon Movie in a row which was delayed.

In 2022, to make way for the development of a new DFCSG e-Commerce experience, the DFCSG e-Store’s Shopee platform was closed from 16th April 2022. The DFCSG e-Store was launched between 2017 and 2018 as a platform for the club to generate fundings for the club’s operations. There were a number of merchandises available, with a focus on premium and limited merchandises. Over almost five years of operations, it is proven that the e-Store’s strategy is not enough and improvements have to be done. Therefore, the club has decided to transform and launch a new e-Commerce experience. The new e-Commerce experience is however still under preparation.

With Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore, fans in Singapore will be able to expect more Doraemon related happenings to occur in Singapore!