
Celebrate our 7th Anniversary with Giveaways!

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  • Post category:2022
  • Reading time:2 mins read

For the first time in DFCSG’s history, we are having two consecutive Giveaways! In celebration of Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore’s 7th Anniversary, we launched our first ever cross borders Giveaway which is opened to fans in Japan and Taiwan as well. In future, we will work on organising online events that are open for fans from other countries in Asia as well! As well step into the month of July, we are closing to the end of DFCSG’s Anniversary month. And here comes our second Giveaway!

The second Giveaway is known as the EZ-Link edition. The steps to take to participate in the Giveaway is the same as the Line edition. Chances can be accumulated in different ways and additional chances can be earned by following the hints given earlier. A good news for fans who have applied for additional chances for the Line edition’s Giveaway. If you have already applied for additional chances, the additional chances will be applied for the EZ-Link edition’s Giveaway too. There is no need for you to re-submit the form. All you have to do is to participate in the Giveaway by liking and sharing our Giveaway post. However, the EZ-Link edition is not open to fans out of Singapore.

Both the Line and EZ-Link editions will end on 24 July 2022 and results will be released after the Giveaway ends on the DFCSG 7th Anniversary Celebration microsite.


Founder of Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore