Service Status
Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore
Since Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore heavily scaled down the club’s services, the club has been updating fans and the public on the latest service status. In line with the club’s efforts to gradually scale up services and to allow fans to track on the latest service status which may be affected by various circumstances and situations (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic), the club has deemed it is inappropriate to continue using the “Cease of Operations” notice to keep the fans and public updated on the latest service changes. Hence, this microsite is created, targeting on reporting the latest service updates and showing the latest service status with a more clear and distinct page name “Service Status”.
Service/Operation | Status | Remark(s) |
Business services | Normal | 1-7 working days response time. Kindly email us at for more info. |
DFCSG e-Store | Limited | Limited service on DFCSG e-Store. Self-Pickup will not be available. Only cashless payments are accepted. |
DFCSG fans | Under preparation |
Soft Launch Phase |
Normal | 1-7 working days response time. For urgent queries, please contact us via WhatsApp. |
Events | Temporarily Unavailable | Temporarily unavailable till further notice, exception made for collaborative/virtual events where main event organiser is not Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore and the club only provides support and advise for the event. For more information please contact us via |
Facebook Page / Instagram Messenger | Longer response time | Variable online hours. Not available during weekends and Public Holidays. |
Facebook Page Updates | Delayed | Delayed updates |
Instagram Updates | Delayed | Delayed updates. |
Website Updates | Delayed | Delayed updates. |
WhatsApp Message | Normal | – |
The above information are subject to change from time to time without prior notice. In the event that any changes are made, the changes shall be posted on this website immediately. Please refer to below for more information on the latest announcements and changes on our services. If you have any queries, kindly email or message us via our SNS or WhatsApp. Thank you.
Colour code of Service Status board
The Service Status board have been colour coded for more easy identification of the latest service status updates. Please refer to below for detailed information.
Colour | Representation |
Red | Service heavily affected and is unavailable |
Orange | Service heavily affected but is still available with major changes |
Yellow | Service affected but is still available with some changes |
Grey | Service not yet launched or ceased |
No colour | Service unaffected and is operating as per normal |
[Published: 30th June 2020 | Last updated: 1st February 2025]
Announcements and updates
*LATEST UPDATE* Service adjustments W.E.F. 1st February 2025
[Published: 1st February 2025]
Minor service adjustments are made to prioritise services that are frequently used by fans.
Service improvements
[Published: 18th May 2022]
With the efficient use of automation on our new website and systems, we are able to focus our manpower on other areas and reduce the time spent on the maintenance of the website and updates can be shared more quickly and easily. Furthermore, with the effects of COVID-19 reducing, we are able to resume more services to improve the overall experience of our fans and partners. With immediate effect, all email services are back to normal and some other services were improved as well. We will continue to moderate our services as and when needed based on the latest developments of our club and the global situation.
Service improvements, status changes, & DFCSG fans trial
[Published: 4th May 2022]
After the silent launch of our newly revamped website, content management on our website is now much easier and less manpower straining. Hence, we can further maximise productivity with our limited manpower. We have resumed our Website updates back to normal, and improved some services from heavily affected to affected. However, Events service will still be halt given current global and local situations. The club will definitely look to fully resume all services to normal or the affected category within this year.
Apart from service improvements and status changes, we have officially started DFCSG fans trial internally. This trial will be expanded to include more fans when our internal trial and testings have concluded.
Improved services and updates on DFCSG fans
[Published: 1st March 2022]
Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore constantly reviews and adjusts it services to match the capability of the current manpower. The club has made minor improvements to some services as the current manpower is capable of doing more. Apart from service improvements, our new service, DFCSG fans have resumed preparations for an expected launch some time this year. Stay tuned to this page and our News page for the latest updates.
Minor service changes to improve overall service
[Published: 6th September 2021]
Due to tight manpower, Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore will be adjusting its services to match the capability of the current manpower. We will also periodically adjust our service to match the needs of our fans. Due to the worsening effects of the pandemic, all our services are now affected and will be scaled down until further notice. Please check back on this page for the latest service updates.
Latest service changes due to tight manpower
[Published: 29th March 2021]
Due to tight manpower and upcoming exam period for most of our volunteers/helpers, Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore will be adjusting its services to match the capability of the current manpower. Almost all services will be offering limited service from now thru mid-April. A progressive resumption of services will be started when our volunteers/helpers have cleared their exams and are ready to return to the club. For latest updates on our Service Status, please regularly check this page. Thank you.
Longer response time for DFCSG email service
[Published: 1st February 2021]
Due to reduced manpower operations under COVID-19 and promotion works for upcoming movie launch, the club will take longer to respond to incoming email enquiries. A waiting time of at least 7 working days is expected during this peak period. For urgent matters, we seek your assistance to contact us via WhatsApp. Thank you for your understanding.
DFCSG e-Store moving into Phase Two
[Published: 21st September 2020]
With immediate effect, DFCSG e-Store is made available again on Shopee! DFCSG e-Store will also resume on Carousell on 28th September! This move signifies the end of Phase One and the transition into Phase Two of DFCSG e-Store’s reopening plan.
Due to COVID-19, the Self-Pickup delivery option will continue to be removed until further notice to minimise contacts. Payment options will also be limited to cashless payments only. Please also expect that there may be delays on the waiting time due to longer shipment times.
DFCSG will continue to monitor on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore and adjust its services accordingly. We wish to emphasize that Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore takes the health and safety of our staffs, volunteers, fans, and the general public as our utmost priority when making decisions.
DFCSG e-Store Officially Reopens
[Published: 31st August 2020]
At 10.30 AM today, DFCSG e-Store has Officially Reopened after almost half a year of closure caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The DFCSG e-Store is adopting a phased reopening to ensure that all Safe Management measures are well in place and keeping our service standard on track.
During the first phase of reopening, the DFCSG Official e-Store will first reopen while the other platforms remain closed for a slightly longer time. Due to COVID-19, the Self-Pickup delivery option has been removed until further notice to minimise contacts. Payment options will also be limited as our Official e-Store only accepts Credit Card (via PayPal) and PayPal payments. Please also expect longer waiting time during Phase One of our reopening.
DFCSG will continue to monitor on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore and adjust its services accordingly. We wish to emphasize that Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore takes the health and safety of our staffs, volunteers, fans, and the general public as our utmost priority when making decisions.
More services to resume. Events service to conditionally recover.
[Published: 24th August 2020]
As Singapore gradually resumes more activities in Singapore, Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore will also start to resume more services while continuing to ensure that Safe Management measures are being effectively carried out. Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore will be restarting the DFCSG e-Store in phases soon and details will be released this week.
Events services will however, continue to be ceased until further notice with the exception made for collaborative events. As DFCSG will not be initiating any events, there will not be any change for the event status. For companies and organisations who are interested to host Doraemon events and want to collaborate with us, please kindly contact us at to further discuss on the collaboration.
DFCSG will continue to monitor on the COVID-19 situation in Singapore and adjust its services accordingly. We wish to emphasize that Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore takes the health and safety of our staffs, volunteers, fans, and the general public as our utmost priority when making decisions.
Slight moderations to some services, status unchanged
[Published: 4th August 2020]
Some services have been stepped up slightly, however, as they still have not fully resume, the service status is still unchanged. These services are Facebook Page Updates, Instagram, and Website Updates. These services have been recently stepped up slightly to match with the latest needs of the local fans and will be moderated as and when needed for the effective use of our limited resources and manpower.
Facebook Page News Updates and Facebook Page Regular Updates combined
[Published: 4th August 2020]
We have decided to combine both Facebook Page News Updates and Facebook Page Regular Updates with a new name Facebook Page Updates. This will further simplify and streamline the services offered by the club.
Enquiry form service removed
[Published: 4th August 2020]
As per mentioned in an earlier update released on 12th June 2020, the Enquiry form service has ceased and will be removed from the list of services offered by DFCSG. The removal of less used service(s) will allow the club to have an effective use of the already limited resources in the club.
Service changes Facebook Page News Updates
[Published: 13th July 2020]
The club’s Facebook Page News Updates service is now scaled up and will be offering delayed local news update which are limited to important local news only. We are looking to further scale up the service in the near future so we could serve you better! Rest assured that we will make this process of scaling up as quick as possible. Thank you for your support!
Service changes to Facebook Page Messenger and Facebook Page News Updates
[Published: 30th June 2020]
Due to COVID-19, the club’s Facebook Page Messenger service will be altered to provide limited service with immediate effect due to the low usage of the service during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Our other SNS messaging service will be altered together with the Facebook Page Messenger service to provide limited service. Fans can however, still contact us via email or WhatsApp. Fans are advised to contact us via WhatsApp for more urgent matters.
The club’s Facebook Page News Updates will be offering limited service due to extremely low manpower for the time being. We are working to scale up this service as soon as our manpower is back. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Update on Phase Two of Reopening
[Published: 26th June 2020]
Most services will remain unaffected during Phase Two of Singapore’s Reopening. However, some services that have been affected during the earlier COVID-19 Circuit Breaker will continue to be affected with some changes made. The DFCSG e-Store will continue to be closed until further notice while DFCSG’s Business service will be providing limited service. All other services will remain unchanged.
Launch of WhatsApp
[Published: 12th June 2020]
To allow fans and the public to contact us more easily and conveniently, Doraemon Fan Club, Singapore officially launched its WhatsApp Message service today. However, to make way for the launch of WhatsApp Message service, the least used Enquiry Form service will cease its operation with immediate effect and will subsequently be removed from the list of services offered by DFCSG.
Delay for the Launch of new DFCSG fans service
[Published: 12th June 2020]
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the preparation phase of the new service, DFCSG fans, which was slated to be launched during DFCSG’s 5th Anniversary this year, is delayed and will not be ready any time soon. Hence, the launch of the service will be delayed until further notice with updates expected after the COVID-19 global pandemic is over.
Service changes due to COVID-19
[Published: 6th April 2020]
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, some of the club’s services have been affected. Please refer to above table for latest information on our service changes. We will regularly update this page as our service changes with the situation. Thank you and Stay Safe!